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Paul Khanton


Updated: Jul 6, 2021

Not "My Truths" - like Al Gore - but incontrovertible FACTS regarding the buzz-words of fashionable phrases and fashionable philosophies of our short, these are not "my truths" (a non-sensical popular phrase) but actual reality and not some Rocky Horror Picture Show dream...

It's obvious that most Americans were never taught to think in school - yet at one time they were. It was called a "Classical Education" - with one foundation stone that of Aristotle and his teaching of logic. Logic was offered in high school and in college. The respect and value of Ancient Greece was a common subject in elementary school. But that is no longer true. From the time of "I'm OK and You're OK" (translation: if you think rape is OK, then it is OK - there is no absolute right and wrong, it is all a matter of personal perspective), it has been contradictory to teach thinking - for after all the enemy of propaganda and group think is logic combined with fact.

There was a time when school boards were appointed (with qualified individuals) and not elected (riding the waves of emotions). There was a time when the blind did not lead the blind, when those who knew gave direction to those who didn't know - rather than the ignorant giving direction to the ignorant.

That time, however, has passed. The question is, "Will it ever return?" Will the inmates return to the asylum, willingly and on their own as at the end of "King of Hearts"? I hope so....but I think not.

While we wait for the insane to return to the insane asylum (OOOPS...apology...the reality-challenged to be removed from decision authority), we thought we'd throw out the following facts that defy the touchy-feely teachings of today:

  1. TOUCHY-FEELY TEACHING: AMERICA THE TERRIBLE - America was built on theft (of land, services, etc.).

    1. POPULAR TOUCHY-FEELY MANTRA: Texas was stolen from Mexico.

    2. ACTUAL FACT: Texas was never a legal part of Spain or Mexico. The United States didn't steal Texas from Mexico.

  2. TOUCHY-FEELY TEACHING: AMERICA THE TERRIBLE - There is no Social Justice in America, and the pursuit of Social Justice is undeniably noble and righteous as well as necessary.

    1. POPULAR TOUCHY-FEELY MANTRA: Privilege is the only reason why some people have more wealth than others, and the transfer of wealth is therefore justified.

    2. ACTUAL FACT: More people have been killed in the name of "Social Justice" than in the name of God. Social Justice historically has been used as a rationale to liquidate tens of millions of dissidents and confiscate their property (which coincidentally enrichens the Social Justice Warriors themselves). What better way to eliminate privilege than eliminate the pronounced privileged...

  3. TOUCHY-FEELY TEACHING: People are inherently good and caring, and will do naturally do what is right for others - even at there own expense.

    1. POPULAR TOUCHY-FEELY MANTRA: Defund the Police! Defund the Military! People don't need either to do the right thing.

    2. ACTUAL FACT: Rational thought must be taught - it is not inherent in humans. It used to be fashionable to say, "Don't think with your d---." Now it is fashionable to say, "Don't think...just feel." Humans are genetically encoded to survive by preying on other life forms - which seems to be confirmed by the violence in American cities today. Policing (both civilian and military) has been an intrinsic part of the social fabric even before there were governments - basic in family units. Policing is obviously not the result of privilege or any other such nonsense.

  4. TOUCHY-FEELY TEACHING: People who break rules or laws only do so because they've been victimized by privilege. We don't need rules or laws (Antifa).

    1. POPULAR TOUCHY-FEELY MANTRA: Down with Government!

    2. ACTUAL FACT: It is in the nature of humans - genetic disposition - to require enforced rules and regulations for society to function and humans to prosper. Humans have evolved to prey to survive - making the instinct to survive the most primal instinct. That instinct must be overcome by rationality, rules and enforcement for society to survive.

Now let's examine those Actual Facts:


  1. Texas was originally part of the French North American Territory "Louisiane". This is fact confirmed by original authentic maps of that time and by treaties and other publications of that time.

  2. An illegal attempt was made by France after losing the Seven Years War with England to transfer Louisiane to Spain (1762) in a secret treaty (Fontainebleau) signed in the same French castle as the French-English terms of peace and on the same day as that signing but hours before. The King of Spain and King of France were brothers. England didn't recognize the transfer and publicized Louisiane as English territory for settlement purposes. All this is fact confirmed by the actual treaties, newspaper accounts and other publications of that time.

  3. As an aside - the first settlement in Texas was French, not Spanish. The first Spanish settlement north of the Rio Grande was in the 1740's - 200 years following the first Spanish settlement south of the Rio Grande and coincidentally AFTER the lineage of the King of Spain became Bourbon (direct family members of the King of France) and AFTER it was apparent that France was going to lose its North American territories to England. Again, all this is fact confirmed by the historical record - not by some fanciful summation decades later.

  4. Before the U.S. Louisiana Purchase, by formal treaty Spain re-ceded Louisiane back to France (all the territory exactly as had been "ceded" in 1762). Another fact confirmed by the actual treaty and contemporary newspaper accounts.

  5. The map used by the U.S. and France for the Louisiana Purchase was the Bellin map from 1757 (above). The U.S. considered Texas part of the purchase, and after Louisiana became a State it included Texas in the official U.S. maps of the Missouri Territory. Once again, these are facts confirmed by original authentic maps and contemporary (of the time) newspapers repeating and repeating the same fact over two decades.

  6. In 1819, John Quincy Adams (recognizing that Texas was a U.S. territory) committed a Chamberlain-like sin of sacrificing others for a cause of personal importance. Chamberlain condemned Czechs to slavery under Nazi Germany with the moral justification that many multiples would remain free (it didn't quite work out that way). Adams condemned American citizens settling Texas in the Missouri Territory to slavery under the Spanish King (as a feudal state the King owned its people and all the property) with the moral justification that many multiples would remain free (Texas would never be carved up into slave states under the pending Federal law, the "Missouri Compromise"). Like Chamberlain, Adams was no hero - risking nothing personal and sacrificing others without their consent. Fact? Numerous news paper articles from that time and the treaty and Adam's own handwritten diary. Perhaps...just perhaps...Adams' motivation was political (denying the political opposition more representatives in Congress by denying the creation of States inclined to support the opposition) rather than humanitarian. Otherwise, Adams' actions were Marxian ("the end justifies the mean").

  7. Adams' negotiated treaty swapped Texas for Spanish claims to Florida (the U.S. already possessed Florida and there was no need to swap; Florida was physically under the control of the U.S. Army commanded by Andrew Jackson). The treaty was NEVER signed by the Spanish King (he repudiated the Treaty, was under house arrest, without authority and deposed when his signature miraculously appeared on the Treaty several years later - and that signature did not match his signature found in other documents). Even Mexico did not recognize the Adams treaty until 1832 - 11 years after it gained independence from Spain. In short, the facts point to a fraud committed by Adams.

  8. As a result of Adams illegal action, in 1819 Texas declared its independence - as it would again in 1827 (Fredonia).


  1. Tally of those killed by the Soviet Union (its own citizens), Communist China (its own citizens), Nazi Germany (its own citizens and those of other countries) is approximately 360 million (war and democide). Of note: Communist democide alone has totaled 148 million, far eclipsing Nazi Germany (13 million).

  2. Tally of those killed in "holy" wars throughout recorded time is approximately 25 million.


"End privilege!" That is the path to Social Justice embraced by so many today.

That is also the path that Social Justice Crusaders took in the past - Robespierre, Hitler, and Stalin and his proteges. The ultimate privilege that they sought to end was the privilege of dissent. And to quote Stalin, "Death is the solution to all problems. No man - no problem." And perfect the solution is what the Socialists (Union of Soviet Socialists Republics - and their emulators) did.

Of the 161 million citizens killed by their own government in the name of Social Justice, 13 million were murdered by Hitler. He was an amateur compared with Soviet Socialists who have murdered over 140 million of their own citizens. In the Soviet Union, the first privileged class targeted was the royalty. After their liquidation, then the Socialists focused on those "privileged" with education - professionals and the press. Quickly, the next to be liquidated were the land-holding peasants - they had the privilege of controlling crops (and the "means to production") so they had to be eliminated. No peasants, no problem. Finally, the Socialists focused on the final privileged class - those still alive who dissented - and that problem was resolved in the usual ultimate way.

And amazingly, a folk hero is a sitting Senator who idolizes Soviet Socialism and even honeymooned in the old Soviet Union. Like six-year-olds idolizing Billy the Kid because they don't know he was a cold-blooded killer and only know the propaganda, too many today romanticize Soviet Socialism - refusing to learn actual, factual history and preferring to embrace their own ill-conceived fantasy. And to those "hopeless romantics", the blueprint for Social Justice is the old Soviet Union.


There are two basic approaches to achieving Equality, Equity or Social Justice. The first is that embraced by Stalin and others - to end privilege, whether perceived or real, by tearing down those perceived to have it. It is a path of destruction. It is a path destined to deny all the advantages perceived by the privileged - rather than to bless the advantages on all. It is the path to empty the glass.

The second approach is to end the advantage of some - perceived or real privilege - by raising up the disadvantaged, by eliminating the barriers and obstacles that prevent those who have not from joining the ranks of those who have. It is a path destined to give the blessings enjoyed by some to those who are not so blessed. It is the path to fill the glass.

So the choice facing America today is to raise people up, or tear people down (literally).


  1. See "Killed in the Name of Social Justice" above.

  2. Why are the Christ and the Buddha so unique in human history?

  3. Why did Aristotle have to teach logic? For centuries, logic was a critical component of education.

  4. Since humans must kill to simply survive (kill other life forms, etc.), humans are genetically predisposed to reaction and emotion and not rationality (see the post, "Nature of Man").


  1. See #2 - #4 immediately above.

These four statements of fact are simply meant to start the dialogue. There are many more to come, as we live in a world of propaganda, where facts are not allowed to interfere with popular assumptions and conclusions. So please feel free to start a new discussion with your comment...unless you are otherwise occupied petting a Siberian Tiger - which you feel should be just like a big kitty-cat, 'cause that's the way you think it should be.


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